When deleting your Insteon account, you may encounter an alert informing you that there are still devices linked to your Hub. This will occur if any Insteon devices are linked to your Hub and have not been deleted.
When adding an Insteon device to your Hub, links between the Hub and the new Insteon device are created in both directions. When deleting your account, links from your home's devices back to the Hub are not deleted.
If you continue to use your Insteon system with a different Hub or controller, every Insteon device will continue to look for your deleted Insteon Hub. The resulting traffic can greatly reduce the performance of your Insteon network.
If you are deleting your account and will be using the same Insteon Hub with a new account in the same home, this alert can be ignored as your devices will continue to look for the same Hub. You will not experience degraded Insteon performance.
To learn more about Insteon links, see Understanding Linking.
Basic Troubleshooting
There are several ways you can resolve this issue.
Delete each device from the Insteon Hub prior to deleting your Insteon account.
Factory reset the Insteon devices that were previously linked to your Insteon Hub. You will lose any additional configuration that was set including custom ramp rates and on levels.