Locate your device's Set Button

Use this article to help locate the set button on your Insteon Device.

Device Set Button Location
Hub (2012) On the back panel, next to the power connector. On Insteon Hub (2012), only use the set button when instructed to do so.
Hub (2014) On the back panel, next to the ethernet connector. On Insteon Hub (2014), only use the set button when instructed to do so.
Hub Pro On the back panel, next to the power connector.
Dimmer Module On the right-hand side, beneath the bright and dim buttons
On/Off Module On the right-hand side, beneath the on and off buttons
Outdoor On/Off Module On the bottom, to the right of the controlled power outlet
LED Bulb

LED Bulb does not have a set button. To "press" the set button, follow the following steps:

  • Connect LED Bulb to power
  • Unscrew (or disconnect power) LED Bulb
  • Reinsert (or reconnect power) to LED Bulb
  • LED Bulb will "press" a virtual set button
LED Bulb for Recessed Lights

LED Bulb for Recessed Lights does not have a set button. To "press" the set button, follow the following steps:

  • Connect LED Bulb to power
  • Unscrew (or disconnect power) LED Bulb
  • Reinsert (or reconnect power) to LED Bulb
  • LED Bulb will "press" a virtual set button
Mini Remote (Wireless Switch) On the bottom, between the Micro USB connector and On/Off Switch
Mini Remote (4-Scene) On the bottom, between the Micro USB connector and On/Off Switch
Mini Remote (8-Scene) On the bottom, between the Micro USB connector and On/Off Switch
Dimmer Switch Beneath the paddle, in-line with the switch trim
Dimmer Switch (1000W) Beneath the paddle, in-line with the switch trim
Dimmer Switch (2-Wire) Beneath the paddle, in-line with the switch trim
On/Off Switch Beneath the paddle, in-line with the switch trim
Dimmer Toggle Switch Beneath the toggle switch
On/Off Toggle Switch Beneath the toggle switch
Dimmer Keypad (6-Button) Beneath the Off button, in-line with the keypad trim
Dimmer Keypad (8-Button) Beneath the G and H buttons, in-line with the keypad trim
On/Off Keypad (6-Button) Beneath the Off button, in-line with the keypad trim
On/Off Keypad (8-Button) Beneath the G and H buttons, in-line with the keypad trim
Dimmer Outlet Between the upper and lower outlets
On/Off Outlet (2011) Between the upper and lower outlets
On/Off Outlet (2014) Between the upper and lower outlets. Each set button controls the outlet to which it is nearest.
Wired Thermostat Beneath the cover, in the lower left-hand corner (later versions have the set button exposed through the cover)
Wireless Thermostat Beneath the cover, in the lower left-hand corner
Venstar Thermostat Adapter On the right side, next to the status LED
Open/Close Sensor For models manufactured in 2012 or later, on the top, to the right of the status LED. For models manufactured prior to 2012, beneath the cover between the external sensor terminals and the jumper pins.
Hidden Door Sensor On the top, towards the rear of the sensor in a recessed cove
Motion Sensor Beneath the rear cover, to the right of the jumper pins and sensitivity dials
Leak Sensor On the top, to the right of the status LED and antenna
Smoke Bridge On the right-hand side
IO Module On the right-hand side, next to the status LED
Ceiling Fan Controller On the end nearest the wires, labeled Fan and Light
Dimmer DIN Rail Module On the front, beneath the paddle
On/Off DIN Rail Module On the front, beneath the paddle
Dimmer Micro Module In the upper left corner, beneath the Bright and Dim buttons
On/Off Micro Module In the upper left corner, beneath the On and Off buttons
Open/Close Micro Module In the upper left corner, beneath the Open and Close buttons
0-10V Ballast Dimmer On the right side, next to the status LED
Dimmer In-Line Module On the front, beneath the Off button
On/Off In-Line Module On the front, in the lower left corner
220V Load Controller (Normally Open) On the front, to the left of center
220V Load Controller (Normally Closed) On the front, to the left of center
Door Lock and Deadbolt Controller On the right-hand side, next to the status LED
IR Transmitter On the right-hand side, next to the status LED
IR Receiever On the right-hand side, next to the status LED
Serial Bridge On the right-hand side, next to the status LED
iMeter Solo On the right-hand side, next to the status LED
SynchroLinc On the right-hand side, next to the status LED
Range Extender On the right-hand side

Understanding Linking

Links are One-Way

When linking Insteon devices, the links that are created are one-way.

Switch A will turn Switch B On and Off but
Switch B cannot turn Switch A On or Off

Links Remember a Device's State

The current state of the controlled device is stored in the link: On, Off, or Dimmed.

The switch will turn on the Lamp Dimmer to 75% brightness.


Insteon devices that can turn other devices On or Off are called controllers.

Sensors, Switches, Keypads, and the Hub are common controllers.


Insteon devices that receive the command of a controller are called responders.

Switches, Keypads, Plug-In Modules and In-Line Modules  are common responders.


Some devices, like sensors, can only control other devices.

Sup - Controller Only.png

The Motion Sensor will turn on the Switch but the switch cannot control the Motion Sensor.


Some devices  cannot control other devices; these devices only receive Insteon commands.

The LED Bulb cannot control the Dimmer Switch but the Dimmer Switch can control the LED Bulb.

Grouping Devices

You may want to group together two devices, for example, in a virtual-three way configuration. For Insteon, this is called cross linking.

To mirror Switch A to Switch B so that they each control one another and the connected load, Cross Linking is necessary. 

Use Cross Linking

To Cross Link, simply turn on the devices and perform the linking process twice, once in each direction.

Link Switch A to Switch B and repeat to link Switch B to Switch A

Identifying Your Device Revision

As we continually improve our products by adding new features, some instructions may vary depending onthe particular revision of your product. See below for instructions on locating the revision of your product.

Non-Wired-In Devices

1. Look at the back of the unit (unplug the unit from the wall if it is a plug-in product)

2. Locate the sticker (on the label side) which contains the letter "V" followed by a number like "1.0"


In-Wall Switches, Keypads & Outlets

1. If the product is already installed, remove the trim plate

2. Locate the sticker (on the aluminum bracket) which contains the letter "V" followed by a number like "1.0"


DIN Rail Modules

1. Locate the sticker on the left side of the module which contains the letter "V" followed by a number like "1.0"

2. If ganged together, you may need to remove the DIN Rail module from its mounting rail

Mini Remotes

1. Locate the sticker on the back of the remote which contains the letter "V" followed by a number like "1.0"

Wireless Sensors

1. On Open/Close sensors, remove the top housing. For Motion sensors, remove the back access panel and the battery.

2. Locate the sticker which contains the letter "V" followed by a number like "1.0"


Insteon Retail Device Numbers

Insteon products purchased through some third party retailers may refer to devices by a "Device Number." The Device Number does not affect an Insteon device's interoperability with Insteon products that have not been issued a device number.

Device Number Device Name
10 Dimmer Module
11 On/Off Module
12 Dimmer Switch
14 On/Off Switch
15 On/Off Outlet
16 Dimmer Switch (2-Wire)
17 Range Extender
20 Dimmer Keypad (6-Button)
23 LED Bulb
24 LED Bulb for Recessed Lights
30 Mini Remote (4-Scene Kit)
32 Motion Sensor
33 Leak Sensor
36 Smoke Bridge Kit
40 Open/Close Sensor
41 Hidden Door Sensor
42 Wired Thermostat
43 Garage Door Kit
44 IO Module
45 WiFi Camera (Black)
46 WiFi Camera (White)
47 Outdoor WiFi Camera
50 Ceiling Fan Controller
51 Dimmer Micro Module
52 On/Off Micro Module
53 Open/Close Micro Module
55 HD WiFi Camera (Black)
56 HD WiFi Camera (White)
57 Outdoor HD WiFi Camera

X10 Programming for Insteon Devices

Accessing X10 Features within Select Insteon Devices

Back in 2005 when Insteon was first launched, it was the backwards compatibility that helped existing X10 users upgrade to something more reliable at their own pace. X10 is an antiquated technology and can be significantly impaired with noisy electrical environments. Whenever possible we recommend upgrading X10 hardware to Insteon for the best possible home control experience.

Please note that most new Insteon devices no longer support X10 communication.

Important: Except for setting or removing the primary address, all steps below require that you have an X10 controller that only sends House and Unit code (no On/Off command). Before attempting these steps you will need X10 hardware or software that supports the ability to send these commands (example: Maxi Controller #PHC02 or #SC503).

Setting the X10 Primary Address

  1. Press and hold the INSTEON device's Set button until it beeps. LED will blink

  2. Send the desired X10 Primary Address followed by ON 3 times (e.g. A1-AON A1-AON A1-AON). INSTEON device will exit linking mode and its LED will stop blinking

Removing the X10 Primary Address

  1. If you are no longer going to control your Insteon device with an X10 address, it is very important that you unlink it. Otherwise, your Insteon device will still respond to stray X10 commands and may cause your Insteon device to turn on at undesired times.

  2. Press and hold the Set button until it beeps. LED will blink

  3. Press and hold the Set button again until it beeps. LED will blink

  4. Send the X10 address to be removed followed by the ON command three times (e.g. B5-BON-B5-BON-B5-BON). Insteon device will exit unlinking mode and its LED will stop blinking

Setting the On-Level for the X10 Primary Address

Using an X10 controller, send: 

O16     N16      M16      P16      M16

  1. Send the X10 primary address (house code and unit code)

  2. Use a linked controller to adjust your Insteon device's load to the desired brightness level. If you skip this step, the current on-level will be used. (If you turn the load off, the on level will become "resume" whereby the load will return to the brightness at which it was at just before being turned off)

Send the following X10 address sequence to lock in the new on-level: 

P16     N16     M16      O16      M16

Setting the Ramp Rate for the X10 Primary Address

Using an X10 controller, send:

O16     N16     M16     P16     M16

  1. Send the X10 primary address (house code and unit code)

  2. Use an X10 controller to adjust your Insteon device's load to the brightness corresponding to the desired ramp rate using the table in the Insteon device's manual

Send the following X10 address sequence to lock in the new ramp rate:

O16     P16     N16      M16    O16

X10 Scene Address Programming

Most Insteon devices can be a member of up to 255 X10 scenes. An X10 scene address is simply a secondary X10 address. When an X10 ON command is sent to an X10 scene address, every X10 device with that X10 scene address will turn on to its independent On-Level at its independent Ramp Rate (if a dimmable device). Sending an X10 OFF command to an X10 scene address will turn off all devices that are members of that X10 scene, each at its independent Ramp Rate. Dimmable X10 devices will react to DIM and BRIGHT commands after the X10 scene address is sent. However, they will ignore ALL ON and ALL OFF commands for the X10 scene address.

Remotely Setting the On-Level for an X10 Scene Address

Using an X10 controller, send: 

O16    N16     M16    P16     M16

  1. Use an X10 controller to adjust your Insteon device's load to the desired brightness level. If you skip this step, the current on-level will be used. A scene can trigger your Insteon device to go off by setting the on-level to 0%, or off

  2. Send the following X10 address sequence:

M16    N16    O16     P16

Send the desired X10 scene address (house code and unit code) to lock in the new on-level and X10 scene address

Setting the Ramp Rate for an X10 Scene Address

Using an X10 controller, send:


O16    N16    M16     P16    M16

  1. Send your Insteon devices X10 primary address (house code and unit code)

  2. Use an X10 controller to adjust your Insteon devices load to the brightness corresponding to the desired ramp rate using the table in the Insteon device's manual

Send the following X10 address sequence:


N16    O16    P16     M16    Scene Address

  1. Send the desired X10 scene address (house code and unit code) to lock in the new ramp rate and X10 scene address

Removing an X10 Scene Address

Using an X10 controller, send: 


O16    N16    M16    P16     M16

  1. Send the your Insteon device's X10 primary address (house code and unit code)

  2. Send an X10 ON or OFF command

Send the following X10 address sequence: 


O16    P16    M16     N16

  1. Send the X10 scene address you wish to remove (house code and unit code)